Human Cognition, Quantified
Translating Brain Waves into
Business and Science Impact
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We prove your effectiveness with brainwaves

We put humans at the center of your organization by conducting neuroscience studies.
We prove and improve the effectiveness of your wellness prodcuts, training programs, or marketing campaigns.
We do so quantitatively, objectively, and in real time from the most unbiased source of human feedback: the brain.
Neuron Cognitive States
Our proprietary algorithm translates brainwaves into 5 unbiased and quantitative cognitive states in real time.


Software as a Service

  • Automated EEG data analysis
  • Translation of complex brainwaves into straightforward and interpretable cognitive states
  • Ideal for hardware owners

Neuroscience as a Service

  • Custom-made neuroscience study designed for your needs
  • Remote EEG data collection and analysis
  • Presentation of tangible business actions


“Partnering with Neuron has been a game changer for us. The results have been spectacular! We’ve never been able to collect such quantitative data about our training programs before.”

- Dr. Mayra Austin, CEO of MANAGEMENT CUES
“Partnering with Neuron has been a game changer for us. The results have been spectacular! We've never been able to collect such quantitative data about our training programs before.”

- Dr. Mayra Austin, CEO of MANAGEMENT CUES
“We've been able to identity correlations between our training program and the clients successfully retaining what they've learned as well as their response to our training approach through stress, fatigue, and cognitive load among other areas. Training has never been executed like this in the management space. We are able to show our clients not only their return on investment on the training programs but what approach of management/leadership creates desired outcomes from the managers. Partnering with Neuron has been a game changer for us. Their team is extremely collaborative and have provided us with a ton of value. We look forward to continuing to partner with them in the future.”​